Hyundai Ioniq: Rear Bumper / Rear Bumper beam Assembly. Components and components location

Hyundai Ioniq (AE) 2017-2024 Service Manual / Body (Interior and Exterior) / Rear Bumper / Rear Bumper beam Assembly. Components and components location

Component Location

1. Rear bumper beam assembly

    Rear Bumper Cover. Repair procedures

    Replacement    • Put on gloves to prevent hand injuries.    • When removing with a flat-tip screwdriver or remover, wrap protective tape around the tools to prevent damage to components...

    Rear Bumper beam Assembly. Repair procedures

    Replacement    • Put on gloves to prevent hand injuries.    • When removing with a flat-tip screwdriver or remover, wrap protective tape around the tools to prevent damage to components...

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    Seat Belt Warning Light

    Seat belt warning light

    Hyundai Ioniq. Seat Belt Warning Light

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